Monday, May 30, 2005

Php Atom Feed To Forum Signature

I survived habs .... and how!

pfu ... THAT was a weekend ....

... it was just 566 km from home to home for Blacky. And although I had bowled my mother much too early from the bed (I wanted to get up at half past 11 ... she said it to make ado 8:30 >_>"), here and there I made some errands and had finally there are no tanks and navigation system fed Then it went off at last ... fortunately, no major traffic jams -. the construction sites were just annoying (and it was in places far narrower than 2 meters) Arrived

-. direct a truly winsome welcome by Deibel and Co.
After the presentation, a lot of talk and then as the Viennese arrived we went to the gifting of the two birthday boys. I for one hope so, the Blacky about the little things has got halfway - the same applies to Meg with her new killer tool of graphite and wood. Looking forward to see already, the first images, which were subscribed to.

Overall summary I can say that I am using the following from the thing out: excruciating head pain, nem Aua-arm, some bruises and scratches from the cats and Blacky, a few small bite marks (same as scratches), a little fatigue and nervous before the failure stationary notebook drive ... VERY amusing especially the last on the list.

The return trip, however, has some nervous at first and then cost a lot of funny bone ... you imagine: You take the, as the nickname "devil", "devil" or simply "death" has through places like "Todtnau "the rope .... more spontaneous fits of laughter because NEN dozen such names are rushed past us (why was never really in such situations NEN camcorder within reach, heh?) held that a bit longer to. Then ... after a good 60 miles of wandering through the Black Forest reported at last, the navigation system that guides us through Freiburg directly on the A5 and then .... came the jam. Nice 10 kilometers, which we feed ourselves first with sweetened (in traffic spurt out, hot from NEM 21 ° cool interior in the 35 °, gaudy sun is great ... yau!). Frankfurt and the Hauptbahnhof was reached quickly (the towers and their right elegance in all honors - for the roads and the corresponding layout around the main station, the town planners are crucified upside down). And then from there by top speed in the direction of home ...

... I have my car set up by the way, NEN speed record. Although he officially moves up to 180, I got it accelerates to 196 ... real tight after 76 minutes was then, despite three construction sites, Frankfurt and Dusseldorf behind and in front of my cozy bed me ...

... well ... I sit and nu back in the office and wonder why everything in the world I lazy the applications that I still have ... sent out non finally earn money and my time wisely . use Tjo - I will be me this week .... if I do nothing comes in between.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Diarrhea After Eating Breakfast Every Day

a further collapse of the social fabric

just 16 hours is now the closure of polling stations and bad news for the SPD and Greens ago that things happen and be visible facts, the burp in my humble opinion, all the more painful. And here are the rising health insurance - despite record revenue and expected statistically low morbidity for 50 years - only the least of all evils. Much more likely to see I reminds me of the Middle Ages and the then policy stands.

time - the time of the nobles and peasants, knights and squires, kings and rulers - saw the company as a tree. The king was the crown, the nobility of the branches, the officials of the tribe and the people - the many farmers - were the roots. The kings at that time was clear: If the roots are weak or are too small, then the tree would fall, no matter how nice and thick, the crown may be. Now - right now this seems to shake said tree. Why? Well - the times I explain briefly:

companies to work for money and will continue to use the funds in their company invest share or to the workers. Instead of doing this is saved, people are laid off and the money that was originally destined for many, goes into the pockets of a few and some even out of the country and thus out of the sphere of the market economy. The roots are weakened, though would be to establish a balance in simple terms. Unfortunately, this does not happen. The fault of the government? Well ... due. It is rather the lack of social responsibility / competence of some managers, boards and such that cause this crisis. Right in front are people like Ackerman and Co., which obtain in spite of thick (!) Profits of their companies a "downsizing" and this is Lichen no salary for their workers compensation effect. In fact, the salaries of managers - before even the top earners at all - in recent years has increased by 80%, while the "normal" employees earn on average only 15% longer allowed. Justice, equality? Hardly. Politically and socially

we stand at the edge of bankruptcy. Consider your business: When the citizen has no more money, then he is your service and your products do not buy more because he can not afford. It follows further degradation through you - the country is sucked until nothing is there. The locust model that has brought the SPD is true in respect to the full. For and locusts are sweeping over the country to eat everything on survivors, destroy it, leaving only sparse remains. The backlash shows, which was hit exactly. That's not more of it was, the Manipulativität the media and thereby to thank also the people themselves.

In this sense, the remarkable people: Everybody wants that there is an upswing. But once some of which have long been favored to give up these advantages on approach which roared, as if you shot someone and protests followed. Lichen is evident in the money every man for himself - there's no room for future-oriented thinking nor for equality. People are horrible creatures, always determined and focused on themselves, not in a position to look behind the words.
In this sense, the people deserved no different than the black is coming back to power. The CDU will also be hands tied - and people will yell even louder than before. Fortunately, however, the CDU has a majority then, can be pushed through without much discussion with all the changes. The resulting successes are celebrated great and the SPD held, why it should have not carried out by the start. Here the enlightened citizens are aware that changes are precisely those times the SPD government failed because the CDU has operated blockade. But the masses will not even be interested - even the elect only those whom they have received the most beautiful gift choice, who served the hearty sausages at the election rally, or have held the rousing speech in the beer tent. And so will probably be selected next year for the first time a chancellor .... and become completely ridiculous.

Why ridiculous? Well ... here in Germany, she is loved not just while (to put it nice to speak), but how it looks when it acts as the representative of Germany in Nigeria, Iraq, in Turkey or in other such countries? There do not regard women as equals for a long time ... more so than "lower" beings. Who will be there to accept a "woman" as the highest representative of a country like Germany? Since Germany does make a laughing stock ....

.... nya - is probably really about time to emigrate, ....

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Abilify And Hallucinations

cinema - Dream and disaster

pfu ... finally back home .... after 2.5 hours of film and one hour parking o_O "
but one by one

first set off from home -. Where everything okay even if it in the car park first before some worm I was (When does the bullbars on the front bumper at last in series?) and it took a while before I had my parking lot right next to the elevator ... of course very below, where I always park. But this time: breath Kush. Is defect, please take the stairs.

* grml * I
Wetz So up the stairs, pull my card (this is the first time the ne before the snake was eTix machines * ggg *) and then go up to the snack bar. Hrm ... very busy. Such as full, I just go down the stairs and I classified into one of the endless queues could ....

.... 8 halls sending 6 of them show the same time as Episode III was .... the snake in the Freßtheken impressive despite full manning the cash register and took hours (beinahe. ..), until they were dismantled. Once again, NEN evidence of really lousy organization. With some other changes and distribution the tasks (one just to fill up the popcorn, two of the drinks, one for the tacos and other eatables, and three at the box office, then the rest of the absammeln everything and would directly hand over .... 7 people safe would have been faster than the 12 they had there in use and usually have rumgestanden only stupid in the area because a soda machine, a cheese sauce or halt the machine Popcornnachmachen took so long ....) would have gone much faster. But hey - I've already missed? A little advertising ... nuja, non-soo bad.

But I was able to then enjoy the "beautiful" advertising Spotts (intentionally double-T) of the parties. By the Green Party was still the funniest and most creative, the sick from the PDS and the SPD just chronically stupid.

Then ... after a three-quarter hour of waiting, endless Werbund and many trailers (of which I rumgeistern only two in the head ... the rest is ousted -. Crowding wg Ep III) was finally rid of the film .. ..

nice opening scene. Much banging, nice space battle, and especially all (hemmed and logic errors, which would establish the diehard Star Wars PC game players and every physicist and engineer the neck and hair) have nicely on an epic scale. Anakin's behavior and its change ... is emotional, but simply stupid. He has in many places naive and stupid than one would think he is. Tjo ... but otherwise certainly the most power would be lost, huh?

When the film finally with the Einbüchsung of Anakin - now Vader - and found his campaign to an end had all the best and the guy ran across the screen, I was indeed happy with the movie, it was towards the end but somehow lengthy and. ... well .... something to do with lack of atmosphere. This was more than enough room in front of the atmosphere. Smoking atmosphere to be exact. A cloud of blue haze struck an almost opposite.

came Gasping for air, I then get out of the cinema, took my ticket and wanted to pay it straight. ... Not only unusual Line in front of the machine. Were about ....
... a leaf on the front said: Today was the parking wg. the premiere of Star Wars for free! A thank you from the UCI. Well wonderful. So down the stairs (the elevator was broken, that is STILL ... tzz) and into the car, driven off and .... stopped.

Yeah, right - left off. For there was a backlog par excellence. Smooth 7 levels were bunched up the cars, because those who wanted clean and down, used the same tracks as the ones up and wanted to go out. A sheer mess of sheet metal avalanche exhaust, Huperei, grumbling and sheer desperation Tiebe through the garage. I sprinted up and saw me the evil one closer to ... a safety officer, I helped, at least roughly direct the traffic so that made use of the coming into a partial track and also moving the other. Disturbed all the other people of course not to step out their parking bays and a short hand to block both tracks ....

.... In that moment I had my NEN thousands Pack desired cable ties. These guys are with things tied to her steering wheel ....

to have the above three-quarters of an hour it was on our level and then it went out. In the meantime I had the welding distributed on the body beautiful. I thought because I had ran around so much .... but far from it. A look at my "outdoor thermometer" I finished in the car, which were, although out there outside the parking garage just about 12.5 °, it is in the garage by the hundreds running engines, which had heated up a lot of people, etc., the air above 30 degrees. How that would be expected in the summer ... at 37 ° ambient temperature ... horrible idea. How well I have ne air conditioning in the car: P

soo ... finally back home, broken and comfortable with enough nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide and particulate matter in the lungs, I could do with a master mechanic competition.

na guz .... because nächtle!

Motorola Phone Tools Unsupported Media Type 0x4f

right to freedom of expression ....

I am just again the Google archive of Dirk Hertfelder and his "experiment", the machinations of Freenet reasonably transparent to explain (it is still a long non-gold that glitters gone by ...),. His warning, because he allegedly published "false" and "defamatory" stories.

Well ... just in case, I at some point in my blog, in any forum post or somewhere else something similar to write - which provider whatsoever - I will say this:

I appeal hereby is, anytime Article 5 of the Basic Law.
"Everyone has the right to his opinion by speech, writing and pictures to express themselves freely and to disseminate and to inform himself without hindrance from generally accessible sources, press freedom and freedom of reporting by radio and films are guaranteed. One is no censorship. "

... and just in case I will declare myself in the worst cases, as a free, private rapporteur, which I was subject also to the freedom of reporting. Any warning, so not under my can be that I work intentionally and deliberately defamatory, only to the company concerned or the person harm, and thus of lower Beweggünden, I will simply ignore with reference to Article 5, paragraph 1 of the Basic Law - as any judiciary that is against the fundamental rights tried to.

Unfortunately, people are put for sale. Money is now done more than a human life. After all, it is terrible to watch, calculate the company, which would more expensive: the conversion of their machinery and equipment in the way that they not harm people or the regular payment of damages due ...

... a human life has no price tag. And the justice either. And that should and will stay that way ... and all hell may break those into their deepest chasms of the fire and simmer over low heat, which dare to disagree.

how, I have spoken!

What's The Quickest Way To Get Rid Of A Verruca

times a classic brand new

something incredible just happened to me is: I once again browsed Amazon and wg. excited in the Heise-Forum 've been times in "Galactica," but I came straight in the eye, the Battlestar Galactica was remade last year .... and now the new pilot movie on DVD in Germany is erhältllich, while the series is running in the U.S. and probably in the stars as to when it will come to Germany ....

... well ... order knobs down ... now I treat myself to the first pilot of a new series that I've liked as a child (even if the effects were rather modest in retrospect, it just 3-4 various space scenes were, were always cut in a different order each other and looked like the spaceships as they hung on strings (honestly true - in some Scenes we see even the threads !))... no ... I must say that differently: I have loved the series, and was worshiped quite simply fascinating. after all, was the first SF series, which showed what would happen if people were from another world and end up with a different level of technology in today's world ....

... hach - I'm looking forward now to the pilot. Tomorrow at the latest he comes ... and tonight ... first Star Wars pfu ... I hang this week only in the stars ^ ^ "

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Needing More Poos A Sign Of Pregnancy?

always this stupid Gaffer ...

this morning when I had to park in a narrow gap, hats handed to me again

... ... basically you can burn 90% of the world's population just in the coal furnace. They are always unproductive, costs and bring more than they are about the social skills of ner hubcap ...

... as you can see that someone is trying to drive purely with tooth and nail in a parking space. He threatens to turn happen to the man behind - and what makes those 0/8/15-Trottel? Very clear: He sees / is stubborn like a tank on the spot and stared ergözt, on the stress and suffering of others and not even thinking in the dream it, perhaps even helping to operate. Stare is sooo much nicer.

Especially the "weaker" sex - the women wait - do it very much. Even with large parking problems to be able (to look into the streets and in parking lots ...) Are they too good to deviate from its gaping and use their staring eyes to the help in a tight-fitting. Whether you lie on the floor, you carry something heavy, or the threat of a door swinging shut in their faces. Madame "is-me-nothing-to-but-is-cool to see," was bothered so just stares and non merrily on, quietly rejoicing, that's her that does not happen.

Lord God in heaven - if there is justice somewhere, but even then let those who run so reluctant to be attacked by something with social blinkers on society. I'm so slow that I can help almost always, in quite a sucker.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Kate Playground Free Stream

non invis ....

just so incidentally, to those who think me with questions like "are you there?", "Hi!" am and "say something" bomb, if I offline, i will start to say the following things:

  • when I'm online, then my ICQ and online

  • when I'm busy, then I'm on "AWAY "- that makes Trillian automatically when I some time on the computer non

  • am when I am not online, then I'm not at home and that would then be non-in the next few hours. Ask if I'm on non brings, so nothing

  • you ask yet, I'm annoyed very quickly and become the person who told me nervous, certainly NOT

  • help summarize: When I'm home, I'm seeing online, and also as online. I'm nciht at home, then I will show offline. ITEM

  • Invisible is nice ... but whosoever uses constantly is in my opinion, NEN wimps

that needed to be said once .... because it annoys me that is so slow most extreme when I'm in the company ma short NEN post or someone else write ne message to send, I totzufragen evening my computer and start to Trillian and then get the notification messages erstma 20x, which I tried someone and then, after he sent me 19 messages, insulted and defiantly says, I wanted to talk to him non and that I should go somewhere else anyway.

as much more ....

Friday, May 13, 2005

Nutro Max Printable Coupons

because what I see black ...

... and that has wings on it very evil and NEN view: The
here I mean ....

first .. many thanks to [info] tacimur for the advice ... I look at filb nungut normally non ^ ^ "
- I will have to get used to me again:) oh and

I kindly finally got my cat from NEN's alter ego and my pictures .... Lieblingsvögelchen
Look at times ... and leave comments :-) views nen

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Wedding Invitation & Spanish & Houston

plans, sadness, disappointment, anticipation

hachja ... this week is somehow so painful. Was the last remaining really nice brief (with the funeral on Friday ... well ... the was also short. But would have been my mother or grandmother who would have been buried there, then I would have given the minister a back of the neck for what he has since held a week now ...), so long really corrosive and runs like chewing gum. And that lack of sleep, what I have, the whole is still playing great in the hand. 4 hours of sleep enough nunmal not!

But what should I do? I want it now so much to the tradition with my Zen, the radio plays of John Sinclair heard at night in bed, I depart from this beautiful passion never. Only yesterday a. .. well ... that was grouped into three part @ _ @
almost every part of an hour - starting just before midnight, but .... Respect to Creative: After 22 plays and almost 20 hours the battery was still over 30% full and has nichma whined to the charger. People really do have quality. Only the supplied earphones are in the bin ... miserable response .... there prefer the Sennheiser's fine that I had put my 3

only few sad facts of yesterday NEN. Somehow, some people know only too well how and where to meet me .... and especially those whom you think they were friends, then sometimes like to stand out purely in the very score. Where it would disturb me absolutely non, if anyone would do that. To those I can then just forget despise, hate or simply ignore. But it is precisely these people who I call friends that I like and maybe something I like. This Prints tuen them directly hurt several times ... they can not ignore. Although ... you could maybe - just I can keep non.

but alas - only this week, next week and next, we go from only southern Germany. Containing only Blacky to ask the exact address - and then my navigation system is programmed
:-) Again a long weekend party and fun. And I think I already know what I can do ...