Thursday, April 28, 2005

Stomach Ache Butalbital;

Phishing takes back to seemingly

PayPal first, then Postbank ... are apparently the masters, and their IP addresses are probably the first stupid enough to literal manner to write proper messages and second, they have perhaps the most extreme need time to get back credit card information in the fingers ... just that the way they make it, grotto stupid seems to be ...

... and it sucks. Well - just for fun I feed these fellows always times like with false data, type in any Fantsaiekreditkartennummern, leave cards terms alleged by 2011 go so

To make it that is also really stands out nicely ... well - stop turning the spammer spit: mass flood of false information . Then come to perhaps 20,000 records only 2 functioning cards. The shop, which at the non-suspicious Rumprobiererei is one shot.

... you have to fight even today. In Florida, we must by now even the force of arms, if you only feel the threat. Why should we in the network that is also allowed to shoot non ma bit sharper, eh? * G *

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Inside Of Rice Cooker Is Stained

mass SPAM ... again ... still non

sooo ... after I had yesterday and today together first erased nearly 500 messages, whose content has completely on adult products, pills, drugs and over-priced loans with more strings attached than ne Fertiggaderobe extended from Ikea, it is well once again to write the time, an open letter to all these spammers. Hence - Letter Go:


Dear ... ... Your love Ollen Spammer!

We count now no longer the years in which you try impose changes us your garbage. At the same time is attempted at all corners and ends, just by using filters to filter out those unwelcome commercial messages (similar as in letter boxes with "no advertising insert" is made). Sorry, but you think, with new insults such as embedded images, linked at the same time (so I have HTML turned off in all emails and invites and Outlook at home ONLY in whitelist mail addresses that are verified, the images at all for), with advertising texts in their shape very reminiscent of ASCII art, so it not only from Word pattern filter will get caught, sends the hanebüchensten mail addresses (including the support mail addresses of hardware and software providers, banks and telecommunications companies, to name a few) talk of security vulnerabilities, potential threats, welcomes you with the most colorful contests and says, because their mail addresses with any typos have found that have sent in their entire Webexistenz not a single mail, or even answer, you would like a lot of satisfied and informed consumers have.

Only to you once to pull this tooth: the people with the size of their best piece certainly happy enough to be in the highest degree of despair calculated a fluffy, colorful mails from you and then fall for any "generic drugs" to buy. They are also full of good humor to not trust the mails, but - by the sheer mass annoyed blindly delete everything that smacks of advertising, easy. Ye destroyed, with the extreme over-saturation of the medium, your own market. You are destroying the small OD confidence that someone in the communication medium was rather terrifying and hesitant beginners and amateurs in the art and is plugged.

As an indication, as you could on the internet quickly and earn good money, I will tell you this here: Forget any pseudo addresses will not forge links and are on Your Domains proud. Be honest and say what you want. It has worked for centuries in all areas of the market economy - so it will work on the Internet. For although the Internet is an infinitely large medium appearing mass, mutual trust is still the most important thing. However, it is acting not at all in the sense in which to build trust. Your shocked the market by your article .. and people like you were many years ago neutered already quite painful and wrested the world. Have recourse to, as long as you you can still save with a bloody nose. For the revenge of the world you will be fooled, be fatal.

In full, fervent anger at spammers and those who so does the money


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Can I Run Prepaid Sim On My Blackberry In India

really ready ...

... is my website. I've already some things considered, but as real time and desire to implement the points I had not done anything recently. When I get out of the office, I will hold dear Amusement and balance, rather than more work. But ma ... behold, I create the days have still to establish ne decent side. Gallery and Co. are in any case schonmal. Now is no longer missing sooo much.

I've even thought about a PHP little program, with which I have a single sub-forum could practically integrated into the main page. It would really news and a continuous link on my web space main page would be no problem with .... a button, visitors would be in the forum itself and could also write their comments.

I think the tough part is finding the whole of ordinary styles. Since I am going to look around on the net estmal something ... sooo many different ways that appeal to me, there at the end of that, either non.

nuja - I'm looking forward to the workday. Are, after all, one that I, despite differences of opinion, but quite happy and may miss ...
... and today I'd also like to ma again able to talk to whom else entirely. She was somehow yesterday and the day only about 5 minutes online and gave me little chance to talk to her again. Hopefully today create self times ^ ^

hach ... why is still non-working day, eh?

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Sympathy Which Men Give To Get Women

Change of parties and places

soo ... last night's birthday celebration with the family was actually quite okay .... if my grandma does not return to the topic that was on TV, would have insisted. The comments followed on from my uncle, her sister and my mother were still a bischerl ... well ... there it has certainly hurt something (it can hold hand out powerful, but plug nichma in the least).

Well - food was good, really fun and even when we went so against 1h morning back home, were I myself first to ne nice, long happy night (rest erstma good again). But nothing was ... one NEN Honk by an idiot, said at 5am in the morning to call and having to spit at one with his kind of foreign accent. Really great - we all awake. Of course my two little treasures ... and this little game of Assi said then to have to make 4-5x in a row at intervals of 10 minutes each ....

I think if I was gone ... I'd turn things the guy spat on the bib, which would have been non-rated. This ...... ARRRRGGGHHHH!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Makig Awedding Post Box


soo ... if my boss notices that you are not as productive as it could be his opinion, then they will stop implemented and so subject to a somewhat tighter control.

productivity recognizes the Lord on their own to the lists, what has been so used up ... has a very nice logic, I think. If someone for example, three days has been working behind the other with 9-hour network, the day was at the show and a day in the field, has this week by then seen the phone from a distance, then one was rotten in the opinion of my boss and has done nothing ...

... concrete hollow body containing ...

my little kitten has been going on yesterday übrigends gar nich sooo good. After the operation yesterday in which she was deprived of her ladies shaft, it is quite staggering, first come out of its box and the plastic collar caught anywhere in the apartment. It's also SOWAS of nasty from the people who set up a so nen Ding, otherwise if you passionately crawls like through all the corners, and always wants rumschleicht rumklettern to anything ....

... my poor baby I'm really sorry: (

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Truck Viberates When Pushing Gas

short message of relief

lucky - the drugs have on the small Flecki struck .. even better than I would have thought

is to be exact it as agile and full of life. as it is yet in her life jumping around, running, playing and an open mind as anything else ... and affectionate. Hach me a sigh of relief.

This is still my webspace .. yeah, finally I've even sometimes bought their own web space. 300MBs best storage space, free of advertising, the first three months free and very fast. Board and Gallery are already installed, ne ordinary page will follow ... we'll see what comes of it all.

I also want to still ne library for all my scribbles put on. Of this available by now something of sauviel:)

... and to make matters worse, I was still a girl friend approached from Wuppertal. Who knows ... maybe she likes me so at least a little bit.

Friday, April 8, 2005

Student Loans No-cosigner Recommendations

bad news ...

did I learn today that one of our kittens, we have brought from Spain, either ne abdominal inflammation (very unlikely) or NEN congenital heart defects has .... and the little ones happy at the moment really dirty. If its not better by Monday, so the vet said, one must they sleep ....

... as I said. I do not know what to say. The little me is how the other two also, just close to my heart. It will probably do me in the soul not only hurt when they .... on such a damned, genetically inherited heart defect

... well I hope so, my little one does not have something. Is, after all, the sister of Flecki ... no ... please let my Wolli be healthy. Please ... I think that I can not stand ....

Monday, April 4, 2005

What Does A Body Temperature Of 96.5 Mean

gajus_tempus @ 2005-04-04T10: 36:00

a new day, a new working day.

Today I know why I constantly have a headache in the office, I'm tired, tired and depressed: In one of the supporting walls, a fungus found. Very tingly ... and this still very close to my office. Surprise the one still here at this Sauladen? Not me anyway ...

on project has not (how could it be otherwise) and still give nothing. Will probably be nothing more. Remains a dream bubble. Sorry.

tjo - let's see what brings the day will bring. Secretly, I hope, however, leave again. But sigh, that one can have non-permanent unfortunately: /

Saturday, April 2, 2005

Where To Get Cute Camera Cases

things that were, are and will never be

home ... and then things get out of control ..

an old "friend" - I call him friend, although I am not sure what I expect from him or, more accurately, to think of "them". Are there really two, there is only one, there is someone with split identity, but another experiment, an attempt to analyze a PhD? I have no idea, but I'll be careful and do nothing, what kind would provide a vulnerability.

Speaking weakness .... now I just have to recognize clearly that I'm probably doomed for the rest of my life to really be alone. It is not only depressing, but at the same time shameful and embarrassing, if I can enlighten me is 10 years younger than their relationships and their fickleness must - in the knowledge that such have not experienced even begin to own and probably to never know. A dagger to the heart ... what would I now for a Ritualiendolch and enough guts to use it ...

hard my heart is now in the spring. Together with the creativity that comes with the sun's rays, is also growing my spring depression. Depression in private, at work and now even in online. The UO with me in my Hauptchar for several months as standard RP-hands are tied cheers, not even straight.

What I'm actually still good? Why am I here? Why?


in silent tribute to Pope John Paul II