sooo ... after I had yesterday and today together first erased nearly 500 messages, whose content has completely on adult products, pills, drugs and over-priced loans with more strings attached than ne Fertiggaderobe extended from Ikea, it is well once again to write the time, an open letter to all these spammers. Hence - Letter Go:
We count now no longer the years in which you try impose changes us your garbage. At the same time is attempted at all corners and ends, just by using filters to filter out those unwelcome commercial messages (similar as in letter boxes with "no advertising insert" is made). Sorry, but you think, with new insults such as embedded images, linked at the same time (so I have HTML turned off in all emails and invites and Outlook at home ONLY in whitelist mail addresses that are verified, the images at all for), with advertising texts in their shape very reminiscent of ASCII art, so it not only from Word pattern filter will get caught, sends the hanebüchensten mail addresses (including the support mail addresses of hardware and software providers, banks and telecommunications companies, to name a few) talk of security vulnerabilities, potential threats, welcomes you with the most colorful contests and says, because their mail addresses with any typos have found that have sent in their entire Webexistenz not a single mail, or even answer, you would like a lot of satisfied and informed consumers have.
Only to you once to pull this tooth: the people with the size of their best piece certainly happy enough to be in the highest degree of despair calculated a fluffy, colorful mails from you and then fall for any "generic drugs" to buy. They are also full of good humor to not trust the mails, but - by the sheer mass annoyed blindly delete everything that smacks of advertising, easy. Ye destroyed, with the extreme over-saturation of the medium, your own market. You are destroying the small OD confidence that someone in the communication medium was rather terrifying and hesitant beginners and amateurs in the art and is plugged.
As an indication, as you could on the internet quickly and earn good money, I will tell you this here: Forget any pseudo addresses will not forge links and are on Your Domains proud. Be honest and say what you want. It has worked for centuries in all areas of the market economy - so it will work on the Internet. For although the Internet is an infinitely large medium appearing mass, mutual trust is still the most important thing. However, it is acting not at all in the sense in which to build trust. Your shocked the market by your article .. and people like you were many years ago neutered already quite painful and wrested the world. Have recourse to, as long as you you can still save with a bloody nose. For the revenge of the world you will be fooled, be fatal.
In full, fervent anger at spammers and those who so does the money
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