Oberlausitz beloved homeland * sing *
War I visit over the weekend so once again my parents.
The weather was awesome, So I was with my Ellis outside a lot. (Of the class meeting, I say nothing, that was arschlos ..> \u0026lt;.)
impressions of the Zittau Mountains:
Then I got my bissel Ellis still only a photo, my mum had so nen Lachflash, that would se almost fell off the bench ^///^
Aba are sweet but the two oda? * * Anluvz
I'm just a spoiled only child and my love Ellis * *
admit my part I think Mental disorders are not the parents but to myself;)
Otherwise not much happened last week ..
DVD evening with aluminum as every week, strange chat with him XDDD ^////////////////^
Lovi and I met * * Now knuddelz
bum Enters Final Week it's time again for Uni * * heul
and achso, an eye doctor's appointment I have on 17 December .. on the class ..
to and from sheep
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