hm somehow generating I did not tell what the regular, though I'm still really enough time xD
I was eating with the family, but had totally bad mood because my mother to me for half an hour before the drive would have said. Hmph. was tortured bed yet because papas birthday, so I am from, and rode along. Incidentally, we were almost 3 hours there - a reason why I do something not fun. I need not eat for 3 hours, even not at all up to the right.
have then ordered a salad with mushrooms. everyone has to get a soup previously. was in my soup meat. I do not like it. then got even half to eat the meat around it. I find the way iwie pretty stupid, I had one of the two (!) vegetarian dishes ordered and then I get soup with meat ... hmm ...
ne huge portion was, but actually totally delicious (I had slept through extra to my wish to communicate, had poured my dressing over it so the onions were already chopped & mixed with the delicious corn etc -.- & the bread they had saved myself the bother.)
smoking room. very welcoming. not.
have my brother for photo tasks abused - is not been around much in, but I had to do something so ...
yesterday in jogging pants, because due to international holiday.
and it is snowing again. would be nice, if not so cold.
I still have a lot to do for the school and made me even outside the school yet so a few things. am unfortunately at the moment rather sluggish, but that's nothing that can not be with NEM liter coffee and energy drinks would be change.
my silicone tunnel there - 20mm, then it's over. I will have to attract the same, so I will hopefully soon enough to support acrylic tunnel. yes, I dehnstäbe too, but I wear very very reluctantly - that one should normally not at all well so take that long.
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